Mastery Within 11:11 Integrated Master Numerology


3/21/2019 Release Date

Mastery Within 11:11 Integrated Master Numerology

By Daphney Antoine

Are you seeing 11:11? Daphney Antoine’s book, Mastery Within 11: 11 presents a process known as Integrated Master Numerology (IMN).   A numeric process that helps you recognize intuitive energies expressed in numeric cycles. Presented in a very personal way, Daphney’s book gives the readership a description of their preliminary destiny in matters dealing with relationships, spirituality, home, finance, and prosperity. The author firmly believes that numbers have essence in our physical and non-physical lives and with a good understanding of numeric elements through Energy, Frequency, and Vibration, one can re-write their own destiny. In this book, Daphney presents 12 tools that can help readers understand how to interact and experience numerology in their lives for a positive change.

This book will help you to leverage your numeric identity to awaken your numeric awareness. Consequently, you’ll be able to create a precise overview of your life based on all the different numeric facets at work.

Daphney’s lively description of her soul-searching and spiritual re-connection journey based on her IMN knowledge makes this book easy to assimilate. She includes quotes, photos of sunrises and sunsets in Delray Beach, FL at the beginning of each chapter. The photos, which she took herself create visualizations of a positive change upon embracing IMN practice.    Moreover, the book comes in color to give readers a pleasant reading experience.  It also contains original and customized graphics and charts that amplify the information presented in the book.

The Integrated Master Numerology (IMN) the process as presented by Daphney Antoine in this book helps individuals to understand their numeric attributes for purposes of creating an awareness of the soul’s journey towards achieving better relationships in various facets of life. The book will help you channel all your energies into more fulfilling pursuits.  Simply put, this book is the foundation for you to learn how to awaken your self-mastery and fulfill your potentials in life

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