Integrated Master Numerology BOOK

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IMN Book Bio

11:11 what does it mean? Is it an illumination of the mastery within? Take a moment and think back, how many times have you wondered about numbers and how they relate to your life experiences? Sometimes I would see repeating numeric patterns, such as 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 and 5:55 and questioned their relevance and their meaning. On July 4th, 2015, the Universe answered my questions and empowered me with a unique insight into the number and their attributes.

The insight I was given is Integrated Master Numerology (the numeric sequencing ranging from 1-9 and 11-99). The IMN sequencing deals with Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. It took me three years to fully understand the numbers, their potentials, and their significance in our lives. The knowledge that came through me allowed me to create formulas that identify the quantum effects in numbers, and numeric codes about our date of birth, auspicious occasions, relationships, our home and money. The insight given in this book exposes the mysteries and powers of numbers. I am optimistic your exposure to the information in this book will assist you with your journey to Mastery Within.

May you take this knowledge further.


Author Daphney Antoine, Ph.D.

Dr. Daphney Antoine holds her Ph.D. in Metaphysical Philosophy, specializing in Holistic Life Counseling. Before her Metaphysical pursuits, her secular achievements are that she graduated with her BA degree in International Business. While working on her master’s degree in International Business, she freelanced as a hair and makeup artist in Miami. She fell in love with the glamorous world of fashion, which led her life to take a different turn to continue down the fashion and productions industry. An industry that she excelled in internationally. Working as an international hair and makeup artist for more than 20 years gave her an appreciation for the value of inner and outer beauty. After the birth of her second son, Daphney decided to stop traveling and work on more local projects so she could be closer to home to raise her children. Fortunately, this allowed her the time to reconnect with her spiritual life through meditation. A life-altering reconnection which she has learned since, has the potential to do the same for many others. Through meditation, she achieved this connection with the Master Numbers, a system that is now known as Integrated Master Numerology (IMN for short). This intuitive connection with the numbers led to the book Mastery Within 11:11 Integrated Master Numerology, published in 2019.
Dr. Daphney shared that, “The insight about Master Numbers I tapped into during my meditation is the Integrated Master Numerology system. A numeric sequencing ranging from 1-9 and 11-99. The IMN sequencing deals with Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. It took me three years to crack the codes and to fully understand the numbers, their potentials, and their significance in our lives. The knowledge that came through me allowed me to create formulas that identify the quantum effects in numbers and the numeric codes in our date of birth, auspicious occasions, relationships, the energy of the home, and how money cycles in our lives. The insights and the 12 tools shared in this book exposes this age-old knowledge, the cryptic secret in numbers and the mystical powers of numbers.” She is optimistic that your exposure to the information in the IMN book will help guide you with your journey to Mastery Within.

“The best way to experience God’s true beauty in creation is to acknowledge the beauty that is you!” - Daphney Antoine, Ph.D.

Quotes from mastery within 11:11



I was a little apprehensive about reading Mastery Within 11:11, because I am not good at Math - and numbers scare me. Daphney patiently takes you by the hand and shows you how to interpret the events in your life and in the world, by paying attention to the manner and frequency with which numbers occur and keep reoccurring in our everyday lives. The clear diagrams in color, and the exercises in each chapter were very helpful in understanding the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of our being. She shows us how to analyze and decipher numbers in order to see patterns that will help us get in touch with our higher selves. When I finished the book, I realized that nothing in life is a coincidence. I am in awe of the depth, height and length of her intelligence, and the generosity with which she shares her amazing talent with the reader, in lay man's terms.




I loved this book! It gave me the tools to understand my inner self, Energy, knowledge and wisdom. I realized there are patterns in the numbers, especially the numbers I always see. The author Daphney Antoine shares her personal spiritual journey which made it very easy to connect with her teachings . I recommend this book to anyone that is interested in the 11 11 integration and anyone that want to attain a better understanding of their awakening!



"Bravo Daphney. How exciting!! I have had business meetings whereby I've been reading passages out of your book to people on group chats. One guy said he sees 555 all the time. So I read him 5 and then 55. - "When past methodologies no longer serve you." I read your book to others as if it were law. Xoxo"
